Publication ethics
The authors should follow the international standards of responsible research publication. Metszet accepts only original and unpublished work. Authorship is limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the paper. At publishing papers and/or architectural work, all the names of contributors must be named.
Decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication are based only on the paper’s importance, originality and clarity, and the study’s relevance to the topic of the journal, and the quality of illustrations.
The submitted and accepted articles and its illustrations will be published and electronically, used by the publishing house without limitations.
Peer-review process
All articles are (simple) peer-reviewed, in Hungarian or English.
You have to submit the paper via e-mail or giant-file-sender (email: csanady.pal{aatt}artifexkiado.hu). If an English paper is accepted, it has to be translated to (good quality) Hungarian. Articles should be 3.000-15.000 chrs., with 5-15 good quality illustrations. Only architectural papers are reviewed or accepted. Citations has to follow the journal’s system below.
For complaints or recommendations please contact the editor-in-chief of the journal.
Author fees
There are no fees for authors, but the article has to be translated to (good quality) Hungarian. Editors can help in that.
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