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Metszet is an academic journal published by Artifex Kiado Kft. (Artifex Publishing House Ltd.) The journal publishes majorly in the area(s): Architecture (Arts and Humanities / Conservation (architectural monuments); Visual Arts and Performing Arts (in architectural field);  Urban Studies.

ISSN 2061-2710

Access and archiving

Metszet is a print journal, the papers can be accessed (since 2019, Vol 10, No 1) in the Repository of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Metszet is Scopus covered since 2014.

Metszet articles have DOI numbers.


Editor-in chief: Pál Csanády PhD

Deputy editor-in-chief: Orsolya Ware-Nagy | Editor: Edit Dobossy

Editorial Board: Csaba Csajbók, Zorán Vukoszávlyev, Andor Wesselényi-Garay, László Gáspár, Vilmos Katona, Sándor Nagy, Tamás Czigány (Győr), István Lengyel (Debrecen), Zorán Patartics (Pécs), János Ripszám (Siófok)

Author’s information see here

